The worst of times has risen and I have put myself right at the epicenter. Not only did my wife get accused of witchcraft and now faces the gallows, but now I am sentenced to be crushed to death! I refuse to have another innocent man accused so I will not tell the rotten Danforth who told me about Putnam's false accusations. It is ridiculous that in this day and age that he can not just take my word, especially seeing as how I accused my own wife! (accidentally) Either I lose all my land if I am convicted or I tell Danforth who the innocent man is. I decided to stand mute. The only choice they had for me was to be pressed to death, if this is what I have to do for liberty then I must die. I have already willed off my land to my two son-in-laws so Putnam won't be able to get his greedy hands on it. I hope to God that Proctor does not sign a confession and goes down with his good name like I. It would be a true shame if he signed his name away to those terrible gentleman considered judges. Farewell to all! I hope all come to my pressing and hear me say just two words. More Weight!